Woman sitting by a lake with her back to the camera, facing the mountains in mindfulness.
Want to learn how to manage the challenges in your life, including pain and stress?
Cultivate ease and connection with mindfulness coaching
Contact Mandy
“You are the sky – everything else is just weather...”
– Pema Chodron

My Mindfulness Newsletter

I'd love to share my mindfulness journey and experiences with you. Join my community and sign up to my newsletter by completing the form and hitting subscribe.

I share stories of current tasks and things I'm experimenting with as a I navigate my own attempts to get past overwhelming times.
Mandy Mercuri, mindfulness coach and writer,Mandy Mercuri icon.

Your Mindfulness Coach

In this fast-paced life, would you like to learn how to live with awareness, curiosity and kindness so you can fully experience life and joy in small moments?

Managing chronic back pain since my teen years after two major corrective surgeries for scoliosis, I understand the challenges of living with pain. I’ve been practicing mindfulness for over 10 years and find it to be critical for living well, building meaningful connections, finding peace and ease in daily living and encountering more joy.

I’m Mandy Mercuri and I'm here to help. Let’s go on a mindful journey together.

Mandy Mercuri

We can be so quick to react to life's challenges. At times, it feels like you're stumbling through, caught in a treadmill of busyness, watching all the missed opportunities for true connection whizzing past. When you’re trapped in overwhelm, it’s so easy to become caught up ruminating about past mistakes or worrying about an uncertain future. Does this sound familiar?
Do you live with chronic pain?
Do you often feel life is out of control and you’re struggling to keep up?
Do you rush through your day hoping to get somewhere better?
Do you battle hard to please others and seek validation?
Do you let your inner critic tell your stories, make your decisions and rule your life?
Do you do anything to avoid feeling the painful feelings?
Set of word dice showing the words Wellness and Stress.
If you answered yes to any of those, I’m here to help because - I get it.

I’ve been there and many of us humans feel this way at some stage. We wish for happiness and to be free from suffering. We all want to feel loved, worthy, safe and connected. We want to feel at ease - not pressured or overwhelmed or stressed or flat out exhausted.
Interested to hear more about bringing mindfulness into your daily life? Check out my blog!
"Stars aligned when Mandy Mercuri became my mindfulness coach. She led me down a path to truly understand the concept of 'pain without suffering' in both the physical and mental challenges."
– Sarah

Mindfulness can help

Mindfulness is about non-judgmentally observing the present moment on purpose. Mindfulness is a way of befriending ourselves and our experience.

While meditation is the formal practice that helps cultivate mindfulness, I’m a huge fan of simple approaches and just bringing little practices into everyday life. A deep breath. Moving with purpose. Noticing, listening, paying attention. We just have this one wild and precious life, don't let it pass you by.
The symptoms of stress and isolation inside a circle.
Stress + Isolation
The solutions of mindfulness inside a circle.
The results of ease and connection inside a circle.
Ease + Connection
Mandy Mercuri icon.Mandy Mercuri icon.Mandy Mercuri icon.
Developing a practice of mindfulness 
(formally with meditation and practically as you go about your day) 
helps to cultivate:


Seeing things as they actually are - not as we want them to be, as we think they ‘should’ be or ignoring the parts that are ‘icky’.


With kindness and curiosity you’ll start to see a life full of joy, when we lessen our grip on things.


Ability to turn towards the difficult and understand human nature (including your own!).


By letting go and allowing, we can truly connect with others, see their points of view, give and receive love and compassion.
Mountain horizon icon.
Waves crashing against a setting sun.
“You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.”
– Jon Kabat-Zinn
Mandy Mercuri icon.

How I can help

I'm travelling the same path as a life-long learner and experimenter and I'm building skills and qualifications to support your learning. Having lived with chronic pain for many years, I have the understanding and compassion for the complexities and challenges that life throws your way. When pain overwhelmed me, I felt out of control, exhausted and unworthy. 

But change is possible.

I provide 5 mindfulness services for my clients. If you have any questions or are interested in finding out more, please email me.

Mindfulness Course

The Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is an evidence-based 8-week course. The program offers simple and practical ways to skilfully manage life's challenges, identify your unhelpful habitual patterns and become aware of your present moment experiences with clarity and wonder. Come join the experiment.
October 2024 

Mindful Workshops

Ask me about how we can tailor an interactive mindfulness workshop for your business or group.

(NEW!) FREE Monthly Online Meditation Sessions in 2024, 10am on the third Tuesday commencing March 19th. Interested?

Mindfulness Retreats

A unique opportunity to come together for focused meditation practice to refresh mindfulness skills and strengthen ongoing practice at home. Over the course of the day, mostly spent in silence, you will be led through various meditations including sitting, walking, and stretching. See the flyer for more information.
contact mandy

Mindfulness 1:1

Everyone has different schedules. A course might not be your thing or timing not working out. It's okay, we can still get started together. At a suitable time to you, allow me to introduce you to some simple, practical tips to help bring more clarity, courage and connection into your daily life. Contact me to discuss options.
Contact Mandy

Guided Meditations

Free guided meditations from Mandy Mercuri available on Insight Timer.
Listen Now!

Writing Services

I am a professional writer and content creator. Check out some of my recent work featured below. For contract writing services, please get in touch with me with your requirements.
Writing Services
Peace on tap! I have loved this program so much! I have learnt a lot and enjoyed Mandy Mercuri’s delivery very, very much.
– Mel
Mountain view with sun rising, a perfect spot for meditation.

Want to know more about me?

Essentially, I’m a human, trying my best with the circumstances I have and honouring my values of love, patience, kindness and awareness. If you want the really serious bits (training and qualifications), just ask and I can send you my full capability statement.

Mother and Wife

The roles I love the most, where I am loved for who I am, just as I am.


Words have always been a passion and creative outlet - a way for me to make sense of the world.

Pain Advocate

Living with chronic pain for 30 plus years and always learning new ways to manage and live well.

Nature Lover

Walks in the bush, tending to my rapidly expanding indoor plant collection, or just feeling the grass under my feet, being outdoors energises me.

Queen Keeno

Named so with pride at high school and am proud to say my enthusiasm still drives me to explore new ideas and activities.

List Maker

If I don't write it down it won't get done. Search my home, my handbag, they are scattered everywhere.

Work in Progress

I view life as an experiment and I am often shifting, changing, tweaking…often getting it wrong but accepting living this one incredible, wondrous life (and perhaps that's why I find the ‘who am I?’ question so tough).


Curled up on the couch or in bed or in the bath, a book is never too far out of my reach - fiction, nonfiction, my tastes are eclectic but the comfort read is definitely a quality women's fiction.

Seeker of Mindful Moments

I have a regular daily formal meditation practice but I love to seek the little moments in daily life, opportunities to ‘just be’.

Daily Swimmer

After years of knowing swimming would be good for me, now, finally I am doing it, having the backyard pool helps and so does calling it out publicly like this for extra accountability.
Mandy Mercuri, owner and mindfulness coach, laughing at a bench outside in the sun.Mandy Mercuri watching the sun set over the sea.

My Journey to Mindfulness

When I reflect back on my journey of living with chronic pain, there were probably three key moments of change.
A rainstorm over meadows, representing dark days when you're going through chronic pain.

The Darkest Days

A conversation had with my husband where I realised the huge impact my pain was having on the family. This prompted me to get some help. Enter a caring GP who recommended I attend a 3 week intensive in-hospital pain management course at the Barbara Walker Centre for Pain Management at St Vincents Hospital in Melbourne. It was 2009 and my first child was only 18 months old.I was supported to come off all medications and I was taught lots of different techniques to self-manage my pain.

A Hospital Toilet Door

During the pain course, I was scared. Petrified really. What if I couldn't do it? What if I couldn't cope? What if I was unable to change? Toilet doors in hospitals open outwards and it took me a week of walking into the door before I remembered and pulled. Lightbulb moment, habits can change. Even ones that have been embedded over years of thinking a certain way about my pain. The things I learnt in this course and the changes I made afterwards also brought about the arrival of a second child (one I had thought I would never be strong enough to deliver).
A dark room lit by the light from an open door, with a clear way out.
A woman sitting in the autumn sun, wrapped up warm with a book on her lap.

The book that changed everything

I’m sure you've all had well-meaning suggestions to ‘just try this’ but this book changed my way of life. I’d learnt about mindfulness before but Vidyamala’s story (and then the amazing experience of meeting her as well) gave me a new perspective, hope and understanding. So began my ongoing relationship with the present moment.
“Acceptance doesn't mean resignation; it means understanding that something is what it is and that there's got to be a way through it.”
– Michael J Fox

My Writing

You can check out my mindful musings at:
Just Be - Mindfulness in Daily Life Blog
I am currently writing content on the following blog:
More Good Days
I am working on my debut novel ‘Just Be’.
A coming-of-age story of a woman in her late 20s (hey, we all learn at different pace!) who meets a mindfulness guru in an unlikely place. Enlightenment has never been so entangled.
Mandy Mercuri, professional writer and novelist, sitting outside on a bench working on her laptop.
Mandy Mercuri icon.

Get in contact with Mandy

I’d love to hear from you! If you have any questions about mindfulness, my courses and retreats, my writing, or you just want to chat, you can find me at the following contact options:
Mountain horizon icon.
Meditation Association of Australia logo.
©2023-2024 Mandy Mercuri.
All Rights Reserved.
I acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the unceeded lands where I work and live, the Wurundjeri People of the Kulin Nation. I recognise their enduring connection to the lands, waters and culture. There is so much we can learn from them about being present and walking mindfully through Country and life. I pay my respects to Elders past and present. There has been and remains prejudice and ignorance, including my own, yet I look forward to the future where our great nation is strengthened and grounded by Voice, Treaty and Truth.
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